Why Sports Performance Eye Protection? - Rocky Mountain Eye Center
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Why Sports Performance Eye Protection?

Posted by: Rocky Mountain Eye Center in News on February 19, 2020

Every 13 Minutes U.S. Emergency Rooms Treat A
Sports-Related Eye Injury That Could Have Been Prevented

Astonishingly, more than 600,000 eye injuries related to sports occur each year, and approximately one-third of these injuries occur in children according to the Sport Eye Safety Report produced by the Vision Council.

The report further states that of the 1.6 to 2.4 million Americans who sustain eye injuries each year, an estimated 40,000 will be legally blinded in the injured eye. Although, sports eye protection is essential in children and adults, America’s youths see the largest majority of eye injury attributed to sports.

Most commonly, eye injuries in America’s children occur in baseball, basketball, ice hockey and racquetball with basketball being the leading cause of sports-related eye injury among 15 to 24 year old. For children 14 and under, baseball is a leading cause of sports-related eye injury with batted baseballs being 3.5 times more likely to cause eye damage than a pitched ball.

Consider this:

A Racquetball Can Travel Between 60 and 200 Miles Per Hour

A Baseball Can Travel Between 50 and 100 Miles Per Hour

A Hockey Puck Can Travel Between 30 and 80 Miles Per Hour

A Tennis Ball Can Travel Between 70 and 160 Miles Per Hour

A Softball Can Travel Between 37 to 72 Miles Per Hour

A Golf Ball Can Travel Between 85 to 130 Miles Per Hour

If being hit by an object as light as a birdie from badminton can cause bleeding in the eye (hyphema), inflammation, dilation of the pupil, high pressure in the eye and even vision loss, then sports performance eye protection in higher speed sports is essential. It’s unimaginable the damage that can occur if an adult or child is hit with a racquetball, baseball or tennis ball. Yet, vision care professionals handle those types of cases daily. 

Even Swimming Needs Eye Protection

Still sports with flying objects are not the only competitions that require protective eye gear. Remember, basketball is one of America’s highest sports for eye injury due to aggressive pokes and jabs by fingers and elbows where players are in close contact with each other. Even swimmers suffer eye damage through bacterial infections and chlorine irritation.  All sports should be reviewed to ensure that your child has the best eye protection relevant to their chosen activity.

Not Just for Prescriptions

Protective eye wear is for everyone, not just those with eye glass prescriptions and today’s vision wear are not only protective but stylish as well! Brand name designers in the sports industry have invested in quality and fashion that even MLB, NBA, and NHL players are happy to sport on the fields.

Increased Performance

Eye safety is crucial but don’t forget performance! Innovations in lens technology is making sports eye wear an attractive performance enhancer for competitive spirits that are looking for an edge.

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